Faculty Directory Search Results

Michaud, Pierre-Luc
Professor and Head, Division of Prosthodontics

Phone: 902-494-4264

Email: pl.michaud@dal.ca
Academic Credentials:
DMD (Montréal), Cert. Prostho., MSc (Montréal), FRCD(C)

Flood, B., Brillant, M., Michaud P-L. Reversing the Effects of 2% Lidocaine: A Randomized Controlled Trial. IADR, AADR and CADR General Session & Exhibition. March 2017. San Francisco, Ca, USA. Poster #2596689

Flood, B., S. Brillant, M., Michaud P-L. Reversing the Effects of 2% Lidocaine: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Canadian Association of Hospital Dentistry (CAHD) 2016 Annual General Meeting, Halifax. May 13, 2016. (platform)

Flood, B., S. Brillant, M., Michaud P-L. Reversing the Effects of 2% Lidocaine: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Dalhousie Professional & Research Education Program (PREP) Graduate Student Research Day 2016, Halifax. May 17, 2016. (platform)

Daneshvar S. S., Matthews D. C., Ghiabi E., Michaud P-L (2015). Thirteen-Year Retrospective Study of Survival Rate of Dental Implants at an Undergraduate Dental Clinic. 93rd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR. March 2015. Boston, MA. (Poster #IAHATT0045)

Price R, Michaud P-L, Rueggeberg FA, Price H, Labrie D, Alshaafi M, Alqahtani, Strassler H. Power and Irradiance Beam Uniformity from Budget Curing Lights. AADR. March 2014. Charlotte, NC. (Poster #308)

Michaud P-L, Price RBT et al (2013) Relevance of Non-Uniform Light Output from Curing Lights. 91st General Session of the IADR. (Poster #679)

Chaired Sessions:
Dental Materials - Curing, Cutting and Characterizing IADR 2011, Seattle March 2013
Dental Materials - Bleaching and Related Factors IADR 2011, Seattle March 2013
Dental Materials - Instruments and Equipment II IADR 2011, Seattle March 2013